JENNIFER BEALS has landed a leading role in a new TV series called Ride-Along. She plays a lady police chief opposite of some cowboy rebel cop. Whatever. I'm sure it will be awful. I hate cop shows... but it's JENNIFER BEALS! After having welcomed Bette Porter into my life and fantasies I will watch Jennifer Beals peal potatoes for 12 hours straight and be extremely satisfied with life. Besides where there are cop dramas there is sweating and heavy breathing -- Let's just think about that once more: Jennifer Beals...sweating...heavily breathing...and wielding a gun. However...there will be no more girl-on-girl kissing, fucking, nor titty-grabbing. Boo.
Also I hear that my friend Frances McDormand (who I had the pleasure of meeting in 2009 at a Martha Wainwright concert in New York City) is going to be in the Transformers 3 movie. What? Why? I haven't seen the first two and really have no desire to. Maybe they actually are really good. But CGI just doesn't really turn me on. But you can bet your last penny that I'll be jumping right into Transformers 3 to see what Frances is doing on screen. I hope she's witty...I like when she's witty.
And then there's Laura Linney. I'd been hearing about this "The Big C" show as of late due to all the heat Gabby Sidibe's been taking in regards to her weight. Howard Stern's "deep concern" about her weight preventing her from being in anything other than Precious has been all over the Webs. So when I heard she was going to be in a TV series I immediately got out the "you go girl" signs out. But then... then today I found out [after doing a bit of research to what exactly IS this "The Big C" series] that Laura Linney... Laura LINNEY ( I also saw her in public once - at the Philidelphia airport. But she looked rushed] is going to be the LEAD of this show. I'll be streaming that somehow onto my computer. Goddammit Showtime stop making such irresistable TV shows.
And I leave you with this:
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