Dear Professors,
I know that this is college and that we as students are supposed to slave away in the library so that one day we can be scholars as well... but you do realize that your class is not the only class we have, right? You realize that in my week not only do I go to class, but I teach children as a part time job, because unlike a vast majority of my fellow peers mommy & daddy cannot afford to pay my tuition. Yes, indeed... it is I who next week will be writing a fat check (for someone who is only 20) of $1000 to the university, as well as pay for groceries, transportation back home (800+ miles away), my bills (electric, heating, cable/internet).
I'm not attacking you guys personally. I have actually really enjoyed all of my classes this year (for once). I was captivated by the topics; I learned a lot; I even enjoyed your lectures (though some were boring, unorganized, and off-topic).
My problem lies in these "research" papers that you all seem to want from me at the end of the semester. These 13+ pages all conveniently due on the same day. You have stressed over and over again the importance of getting a head start on research ... "Don't wait until the finals study break to start researching!!!" I have truly tried to start my research early. I have gone to the library various times (I believe I have 30 or so books out in my name for the 3 research papers and 4 analysis papers I have due). I don't mind writing papers, I prefer it over an exam. As far as topics, I have definitely had some really rubbish topics, but this year they are all amazing! I'm writing on:
* HIV+ lesbians - their representation in medical reports (really the lack of it)
* The different perspectives that anthropologists have taken in studying homosexuality throughout the last 100 years
* Folklore of the Karen of Burma in my city
* Analyzing a film that examines labor movements for illegal immigrants
* Analyzing another film which I haven't had time to watch yet
* Analyzing yet another film that I haven't had time to watch yet
* An ethnic grocery store mini-ethnography paper
All of these topics are really interesting to me as a student, but even more so as a scholar. I don't consider myself a party girl. Most weekends I am confined to my room, the local coffee shop, or the library. I'm not lazy, I'm just feeling really overworked. Between going to work and doing the massive amounts of reading each night for your class I truly have no time to do the extensive research that you require for your papers. If you'd like us to devote a large amount of our time to the research process of our papers, can I suggest that the class work load be a bit smaller? Or create papers that allows us to use the materials we used in class, rather than finding all outside materials. I love you guys, but you're making my life miserable right now.